Lores Hypnotherapy & Psychological Services
Some people dream of change. We can help you make it happen.

Smoking increases your risk of developing a wide range of health ailments and diseases including the following:
Lung Cancer - more than eight in 10 cases of lung cancer are directly related to smoking.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (http://www.hypnotherapy-directory.org.uk/articles/smoking.html#" in_rurl="http://i.tracksrv.com/click?v=R0I6MjIxNjI6MTE1MDpjb3BkOjg0YzYxODA4MjA5Y2NiMmRmYTI4YTQzMWIxZDE4MDI1OnotMTM1Ni0yMzU0Mzk6d3d3Lmh5cG5vdGhlcmFweS1kaXJlY3Rvcnkub3JnLnVrOjA6MA">COPD) - again, eight out of 10 cases of this distressing http://www.hypnotherapy-directory.org.uk/articles/smoking.html#" in_rurl="http://i.tracksrv.com/click?v=R0I6MjA3OTc6MTE1MDpsdW5nIGRpc2Vhc2U6MmQ3MjI2ZTIyOWQwZjhhZGNmMjFlNzBiMDdjOWY0OTk6ei0xMzU2LTIzNTQzOTp3d3cuaHlwbm90aGVyYXB5LWRpcmVjdG9yeS5vcmcudWs6MTAyODc6MTE3MzkyYjk5NjRlMGZlNDhkMGUzZWEwMTE0NDVkMjA" in_hdr="">lung disease are caused by smoking.
Heart disease - considered the UK's biggest killer, around one in six cases is caused by smoking.
Other cancers - including mouth, throat, nose, blood, cervix and http://www.hypnotherapy-directory.org.uk/articles/smoking.html#" in_rurl="http://i.tracksrv.com/click?v=R0I6MjQ2ODY6MTE1MDpwYW5jcmVhdGljIGNhbmNlcjo3NGFlYTA5NzNkOWY4MzNiYWY0NDkyZjNjMDZhMTc3MDp6LTEzNTYtMjM1NDM5Ond3dy5oeXBub3RoZXJhcHktZGlyZWN0b3J5Lm9yZy51azowOjA">pancreatic cancer.
Infertility - smoking affects the fertility of men and women, making it harder to conceive.
Gum disease - on top of staining your teeth, smoking can cause premature tooth loss due to Gum Desease.
Quitting smoking can be a real challenge. But it's one of the best things you can do for your health. Smoking is a dangerous, deadly habit. It's a leading cause of cancer. It also increases your risk for heart attacks, strokes, lung disease, and other health problems.
If nicotine lozenges, patches, chewing gum, counseling, and other http://www.webmd.com/smoking-cessation/hypnosis-for-quitting-smoking#" in_rurl="http://i.tracksrv.com/click?v=R0I6NDA0NTQ6MTUzMzpzbW9raW5nIGNlc3NhdGlvbjozNThiMzFiNmQzZmViODViOWJhYWE2NmJiZGVkNjIzNTp6LTEzNTYtMjM1NDM5Ond3dy53ZWJtZC5jb206NDk4NzA6ZjRlMTkyMjBhOWEwNDNhNDRiMDdmOGM1ZmMyNDMwYzY">smoking cessation methods haven't helped you kick the habit, don't give up. Ask your doctor if hypnosis is an option for you. Studies have shown that hypnosis can help certain people quit smoking.
Gastric Band surgery is not available to everyone due to the cost factor. On the NHS the surgery is usually only carried out on people classified as “clinically or morbidly obese”.
A surgical Gastric Band works by reducing the size of the stomach, you then eat smaller portions and it is possible to http://www.access2balance.co.uk/hypno-band#" in_rurl="http://i.tracksrv.com/click?v=R0I6Mzc2MTE6MTIyMTpsb3NlIHdlaWdodDpmMGY1YzJiZTgwYzJlNjgxYTI4NDc4ZWYzMGI5ZmEyNDp6LTEzNTYtMjM1NDM5Ond3dy5hY2Nlc3MyYmFsYW5jZS5jby51azo0MzE4Mzo1MWJkZThkZDk5OGUwYWUyN2VlN2ZmZDFhOGI3OTJlNg">lose weight quickly, however. It is very costly, typically costing £1500 to £5000 depending on which country you opt for and you will need to go through the surgery which may be painful and uncomfortable.
What if you could have a Gastric Band, without the surgery- You can! By using hypnotherapy we can create a state of mind where you will believe you actually have a Gastric Band fitted! You will eat smaller portions and feel satisfied. The Hypnotic Gastric Band is a long term solution for your weight problems.
How does it work?
Over three consultations we guide you through the process of having a gastric band fitted but only in your mind. By using Hypnosis your mind will be convinced that your stomach has become smaller and that you need less food.
Each consultation will be carried out at a time that suits your schedule and lasts for about one hour.
Regardless of what sport you compete in or even if you only play a sport for fun, you can improve whatever you do by working on the psychological part of your game. Most people believe that in order to win that you need to have a greater set of physical skills and greater fitness, this is true but alongside these atributes are two more important parts -
determination and focus.
The single greatest improvement that you can make is to realise that your only real opponent is YOURSELF, the person most likely to beat you is YOU.
Our Sports Hypnotherapy Programme can help you with:
Psychological preparation
Improved self-confidence
Relaxation Techniques
Improved Concentration
The ability to control your emotions